Front End Web Developer

Hello, I am Adam Faraj. I am a front end engineer. I have a minimalistic approach when building websites for a seamless user experience and great user interface, through clean code and visually appealing design. Simplicity is key. See my previous work history on LinkedIn.

I love to build and learn. You can view my personal projects here.

Outside of engineering, I enjoy photography, cars, videography, fitness, movies, stand-up comedy, and discovering new music. I'm teaching myself to play piano!

My Skills


Tap each picture to learn more about my skills!


Writing clean, semantic HTML that just works.


CSS is my bread and butter. Strong layout skills including traditional floats, as well as more modern techniques such as flexbox and grid.


As my favorite language, knowing vanilla Javascript and keeping up with all the changes is the key to understanding the libraries and frameworks that follow.


Using jQuery to bring web pages to life!


Using Bootstrap to build responsive webpages that look great on both desktop and mobile.


Building elegant single page applications with Angular.


Building clean websites with React.


Intermediate NodeJS knowledge, building API's.


Using Git for version control and collaboration with other developers.


Using MongoDB and other NoSQL DB's to store, pull, and update data.


Using various AWS tools, such as S3, DynamoDB, Lambda, etc.

turn signal

I always use a turn signal when driving.

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